Bruschetta Cucumber Roll Ups

As we all know, the holidays are just around the corner. That means parties and get togethers and that means food. Lots and lots of food! One way to make sure you will be able to find something healthy to eat is to bring it yourself. That’s where these easy to make Bruschetta Cucumber Roll Ups come in handy. Cucina & Amore has done all the work for you in creating one-of-a-kind bruschettas that can be enjoyed with practically everything, even cucumbers. This recipe was inspired by PaperBlog.

Cucina & Amore Cucumber Roll Ups

Serving Size: 8-12
Prep Time: 10-15 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes



  1. Using a vegetable slicer, cut the cucumber into long thin slices
  2. With a paper towel, remove as much excess water as you can from each slice of cucumber
  3. Take one cucumber slice at a time, spread the bruschetta evenly onto the middle of the cucumber
  4. Roll the cucumber up
    • Not too tight! Don’t want the bruschetta to squeeze out the sides
  5. Secure with a toothpick
  6. Serve chilled and Enjoy!


  • Try another Cucina & Amore Bruschetta
    • Piquillo & Artichoke
    • Sun-dried Tomato
    • Black Olive

Cucina & Amore Cucumber Roll Ups

A Kitchen of Love from our Family to Yours!


One Comment Add yours

  1. chefkreso says:

    Great tips, easy recipe, sounds awesome 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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